Sunday, June 28, 2009

I think I need to write more. After being delighted by the commentary on many a blog I feel like writing a lot! Unfortunately I usually dislike everything I write on my blog. A little commentary can usually turn out fine but once I start writing like a maniac and getting all my thoughts down in the little blog bubble then I start hating every word I've written. And especially since I know n-o-t-h-i-n-g about fashion except for perusing websites and blogs I'm never confident as to how well my commentary is going. This is the reason you haven't seen a lot of writing on my blog in the past. I hope everyone understands and from now on I'll try and write a little more.


  1. San Francisco is fun ! and soo beautiful

  2. Hi there-love the pictures in the post below! Thanks for stopping by too!

  3. hihi.. oh really? That's cool. Is it as high maintendence too? and think he's actually a dog? haha... mine does. :D

  4. Yeah... I always second guess myself on my posts :) Glad I'm not the only one!

  5. I know how that feels. ^^ but I think your doing a great job. lovely blog

  6. hihi, I think u might have mentioned it ;) but it is a great city

  7. i'm always super-critical of everything i do on mine but i guess the whole point is that it's your own interpretation of anything you choose to put out! looking good so far :)

  8. Writing is the fun part about blogging! Even if you don't know anything about fashion [and I certainly don't!], the good part about reading other people's blogs is seeing their ideas and the things they like. :)

    Thank you for the comments on my blog!
