Tuesday, June 23, 2009


While perusing TeenVogue.com yesterday I came upon a small editorial about swimsuits. I was enchanted by some of the pictures and decided to post my three favorites here.

I like the yellow jacket a lot, the way it was billowing when the picture was taken really enhanced the photo. Plus who wouldn't want to own that styling surfboard. (Personally I couldn't find the swimsuit here)

This was probably my favorite of the three pictures I chose. I loved the contrast of the colors, especially the colors in the blue wrap/scarf thing she was wearing.
Flys on a surfboard, the idea doesn't sound so ingenious but it looks really cool. Plus the beret and the long sleeve swim suit. This makes me want to go buy a styling swimsuit!

(pictures from teenvogue.com)


  1. oooh lovely! those are some chic surfboards!
    thank you for your comment :)

  2. aw wow they are so unique, i like the first two pics alot and the last is creative but dont like her pose haha and i wish i had a nice swimsuit too! x

  3. oh man, love these. wonderful inspiration!


  4. These are very interesting--they're really pushing the swimsuit label.

  5. yes! they are lovely ... :)

  6. heyyy that last surf board stole the idea from my blog.

    oh and i noticed! does this mean i should think of u as k8 now instead of chester? tis very interesting. i hope this blog identity fits you better. =]

  7. I really like how they pose wit the surfboard!

  8. love the second look and the shoes in the third one

    Thanks for the lovely comment we really appreciate you stopping by our blog

  9. oh yeah i know chester was a pen name hehe u told me once.
    hmmm so k8's close to ur real name huh? kaitlyn? katie? lol.

  10. yea posting is def hard :( especially when you've got a broken camera and no pretty background space! x
